Research Interests: Theories of justice, doctrinal pluralism, political ideologies, human rights, issues in the history of political philosophy.
2001: Doctorate in Political Theory, European University Institute (Florence). Supervisors: Steven Lukes and Jeremy Waldron.
1990: MA in Social and Political Philosophy, University of Porto.
1985: BA in Philosophy, University of Porto.
Biographical Statement:
I have taught for many years mainly in Political Philosophy and connected disciplines, including the History of Social and Political Ideas, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Philosophy of Human Rights, and Normative and Applied Ethics. I have supervised Masters’ students, PhD students and post-docs in these fields, and several of them now hold academic positions in Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Brazil, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
My first research interest was the political thought of Karl Popper and other liberal thinkers from the 20th century. Later, I focused on the study of John Rawls’ theory of justice and his libertarian and communitarian critics. More recently, I have been particularly interested in the questions connected with doctrinal pluralism and the value of stability in democracy as developed by Rawls and others. I have worked on the analysis of the left-right ideological divide and, over recent years, my work has turned to the study of the history and philosophy of human rights. I edited and authored several books – some of which are listed below - and I published many articles and chapters of books, most of which in line with these basic interests. I also have been interested in fostering the role of learned societies in consolidating a national community of researchers dealing with politics and political ideas. As a consequence, I have often served in different capacities, including as Chair of the Portuguese Political Science Association, between 2010 and 2012, and as Chair of the Portuguese Philosophical Society, between 2013 and 2017. Furthermore, I have been involved in the creation of several degree programmes at the University of Minho, including the recent MA in Political Philosophy. At UMinho, I also have been active in the creation of research structures. In 2009, I established the Political Theory Group and, in 2017, I founded, with my research fellows in this group, the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society. Currently, I am Dean of the Institute of Arts and Humanities of UMinho, which comprises the university’s research and teaching activities in the fields of Philosophy, Language Sciences, Literature, Cultural Studies, Theatre and Music.
Selected publications:
Research Projects:
Currently I am involved in a project with David Álvarez, based at CEPS, entitled Beyond the Human and Despite the State, dealing with the so-called “political view” on human rights, and I represent Portugal in the Management Committee of the COST Action
16211, on Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe.
Office: 2001, Institute of Arts and Humanities, University of Minho
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +351 253604175 edit.
2001: Doctorate in Political Theory, European University Institute (Florence). Supervisors: Steven Lukes and Jeremy Waldron.
1990: MA in Social and Political Philosophy, University of Porto.
1985: BA in Philosophy, University of Porto.
- 2009-now: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of the University of Minho
- 2001-2009: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of the University of Minho
- 2014: Investigador Visitante – in the «Instituto de Filosofia - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
- Científicas (CSIC)», Madrid
- 2008: Senior Associate Member in St. Antony’s College and Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre
- for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford
- 2001: Michael Teague Visiting Professor - at Brown University
Biographical Statement:
I have taught for many years mainly in Political Philosophy and connected disciplines, including the History of Social and Political Ideas, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Philosophy of Human Rights, and Normative and Applied Ethics. I have supervised Masters’ students, PhD students and post-docs in these fields, and several of them now hold academic positions in Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Brazil, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
My first research interest was the political thought of Karl Popper and other liberal thinkers from the 20th century. Later, I focused on the study of John Rawls’ theory of justice and his libertarian and communitarian critics. More recently, I have been particularly interested in the questions connected with doctrinal pluralism and the value of stability in democracy as developed by Rawls and others. I have worked on the analysis of the left-right ideological divide and, over recent years, my work has turned to the study of the history and philosophy of human rights. I edited and authored several books – some of which are listed below - and I published many articles and chapters of books, most of which in line with these basic interests. I also have been interested in fostering the role of learned societies in consolidating a national community of researchers dealing with politics and political ideas. As a consequence, I have often served in different capacities, including as Chair of the Portuguese Political Science Association, between 2010 and 2012, and as Chair of the Portuguese Philosophical Society, between 2013 and 2017. Furthermore, I have been involved in the creation of several degree programmes at the University of Minho, including the recent MA in Political Philosophy. At UMinho, I also have been active in the creation of research structures. In 2009, I established the Political Theory Group and, in 2017, I founded, with my research fellows in this group, the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society. Currently, I am Dean of the Institute of Arts and Humanities of UMinho, which comprises the university’s research and teaching activities in the fields of Philosophy, Language Sciences, Literature, Cultural Studies, Theatre and Music.
Selected publications:
- 2017: Rosas, J.C. (Ed.). História da Filosofia Política. Lisboa: Edições 70 (no prelo).
- 2014: Rosas, J.C. (Ed.). Novas Direções na Filosofia dos Direitos Humanos. Braga: Húmus.
- 2013: Rosas, J. C. & A. R. Ferreira (Eds.), Left and Right: The Great Dichotomy Revisited. Newcastle, U.K.: CSP.
- 2012: Rosas, J.C. Futuro Indefinido: Ensaios de Filosofia Política. Braga: Húmus.
- 2011: Rosas, J.C. (2011). Concepções da Justiça. Lisboa: Edições 70.
- 2008: Rosas. J.C. (Ed.). Manual de Filosofia Política. Coimbra: Edições Almedina.
Research Projects:
Currently I am involved in a project with David Álvarez, based at CEPS, entitled Beyond the Human and Despite the State, dealing with the so-called “political view” on human rights, and I represent Portugal in the Management Committee of the COST Action
16211, on Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe.
Office: 2001, Institute of Arts and Humanities, University of Minho
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +351 253604175 edit.